Love - Strength - Confidence
Love - Strength - Confidence
Love – Strength – Confidence
Rhodonite can help us show up as the most loving and balanced versions of ourselves, in our relationships and out in the world. With the support of this loving and compassionate crystal energy, your heart will be that much more open..
Golden Rutilated Quartz gives you the new energy you need to surpass difficult challenges. Clears the mind to confront any issue that may come your way. It will help with feelings of stress, guilt, or loneliness enabling you to overcome them and recognize them.
Citrine is an absolute power stone. It increases self-confidence and stimulates creativity, enthusiasm, and joy. As it helps you get centered and rest in your power, it also balances emotions and gives relief for depression, stress and anxiety.
Affirmation - I am loved, strong, supported and confident.